Project Spotlight: Black Locust Lumber

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In the past few weeks at Life’sWork, we’ve been very busy working with Black Locust Lumber to create over 135 Proflow pavers that will be used as earth-friendly walkways in parks around the world. It’s one of the many ways that we are working to develop a thriving community!

Community Impact

Today’s buildings account for 18% of global emissions, and that could double by the year 2030 if new earth-friendly technologies are not implemented. That’s where Black Locust Lumber comes in: they specialize in green building materials – products that have low environmental impact in production, installation, and maintenance. Black Locust Lumber has a strong desire and passion for sustainability and creating a healthier planet.

By working with Black Locust Lumber, Life’sWork contributes to the Pittsburgh 2030 District’s mission and leads our community in sustainability. The 2030 District strives toward 50% reductions in energy use, water consumption, and transportation emissions by 2030, while improving indoor air quality. We are supporting Black Locust Lumber’s cause to create a better planet by manufacturing their wooden pavers right here in Pittsburgh! Our partnership can help make the earth a greener and healthier place.


Our journey with Black Locust Lumber began when we met co-founders Stubby and Maria Warmbold through a Green Building Alliance (GBA) partnership here in the Pittsburgh 2030 District Project. They told us that they wanted to give back to the community, so Stubby coordinated a visit from their headquarters in Hungary for a tour of our facility to gain a better understanding of all the services that we provide at Life’sWork. They were touched by our clients, our mission, and the work that we do, and wanted to provide our clients with work that would make a difference in their community by being earth-friendly and sustainable. From there, a partnership was created, and Stubby and Maria came back to Life’sWork for a training session to teach our clients how to assemble the wooden pavers.

According to our clients in the Direct Facilities Based Employment program, putting together the wooden pavers is a very smooth process. First, blocks sent to us by Black Locust Lumber are separated into two different boxes by size. The blocks are then set down in jigs that format the pattern of the pavers – some blocks have red X’s, which indicates that they go in the jigs with the marked side facing upward. Wire mesh is placed on top and stapled onto the corners of each block. Once the paver is assembled, it is stacked on a pallet and shipped out to Allentown to be part of Black Locust’s next project in sustainability!

Partnering with Life’sWork

At Life’sWork, we take pride in our innovation and high quality of services for persons with disabilities or other barriers to employment. Projects like this tie back to our vision of being one of the foremost business resources in Western PA, and we are always looking for more ways to partner with businesses to positively impact the community.

If you are interested in a business partnership like this one or would like to learn more about our services, please contact Babs Sefiane at

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