Deloitte Employees Make an Impact

Almost 70 men and women in blue shirts fanned out around Life’sWork on June 7 for Deloitte’s annual Impact Day. Their shirts read “Making an Impact Every Day.”

Impact Day is a year-round celebration of Deloitte’s commitment to community investment. Member firms around the world host activities where Deloitte professionals spend the day volunteering. As a result, Impact Day is an opportunity for Deloitte employees to put their passion, determination, and skills to use for the benefit of their communities. They leave behind their laptops, conferences calls, and emails to make a difference in the communities they serve.

Life’sWork was fortunate enough to be chosen as one of the sites for their community service in Pittsburgh. Deloitte offices across the country shut down for the professional services firm’s 20th Impact Day, so employees can do volunteer work. More than 300 volunteers from Deloitte’s Pittsburgh office spent the day lending a hand at various organizations across the city.

Due to Deloitte selecting Life’sWork as one of their volunteer sites, we scheduled our Annual Client Appreciation Luncheon on the same day, so that the volunteers after all of their hard work, could enjoy lunch with clients, their families, and staff; and learn a little more about our organization.

“We really like to give back to our community and that’s what we are doing here today,” Julie DeMaria, Senior Audit for Deloitte said. DeMaria helped with the Appreciation luncheon preparations, helping set up tables and decorate the tent for the party. “Fortune magazine ranked Deloitte as one of the Best Workplaces for Giving Back,” she said.

The volunteers worked throughout the morning inside and also outside the facility. Life’sWork staff members and clients are extremely appreciative of the hard work the Deloitte volunteers did that day.

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